About Me

Hi! My name is Toni Jacobs. I am from Monticello, AR and I am currently teaching at McGehee Elementary, 6th grade Science. This blog will reflect my experiences as a first year teacher.



Sunday, August 29, 2010

My Teaching Experience Thus Far

This week has honestly been a challenge for me. I have definitely understood the importance of "modify and adjust." I have done a considerable amount of modifying and adjusting.

I am teaching 6th grade Science at McGehee Elementary. I feel I am lacking confidence in my teaching and this is showing. I definitely need to improve on this skill.

This week has been very busy. On Tuesday I participated in the Back To School Carnival. We had a great turn out with numerous students, parents, and the community. I was in charge of the "Ring Toss." The students enjoyed the game and it was very nice to see all the students have a great time. Our school is in Fiscal distress and we are currently trying to get a Milage passed. The school and community are very supportive.

On Monday I provided my students with a list of vocabulary words. We reviewed the words and I explained to the students there would be a vocabulary test on Friday. The class completed an exercise with the terms; Write a definition for each word in your own words and draw a picture that resembles the word. The students performed very well with this task; however, I was very disappointed in the scores. It felt like a "slap" in my face. I will modify and adjust this as well!

I have also had the challenge of students respecting me. A few students have mentioned to me, "The reason they act like this is because you are a new teacher." I need improvement on my discipline skills!

On a positive note, the students really enjoyed lab this week and I have my lesson plans ready to start a new week tomorrow! (With all the modifying and adjusting in place) :)
