About Me

Hi! My name is Toni Jacobs. I am from Monticello, AR and I am currently teaching at McGehee Elementary, 6th grade Science. This blog will reflect my experiences as a first year teacher.



Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Alice in Wonderland

On Tuesday, the 6th grade students and teachers walked to a local church to view a play. The play was sponsered by the Children's Art Museum. The students were very well behaved during the play and have been excited all week to go. Our school is very proud of the outside resources we have.

Outdoor Adventure

On Monday I took a group of students outside for the days lesson. The students planted there own plants and we held a discussion on plants. The students were engaged during the lesson and enjoyed being in the outdoors, as well as I!

Canned Food Drive

Last week our school hosted a canned food drive for our community. It was very rewarding to see the enthuastism from our students to support the cause. The students understod the importance of giving and were pleased to bring canned food items. The drive was a success.

Science Job Alike

I have the great opportunity to attend Sciecne Job Alike. I am proud my school allows me to attend. We meet one day every month. At the workshop I obtain resources for my classroom and ideas to incorporate hands on learning in my classroom. The picture below displays last months meeting and the Solar Bag experiment. I gain a lot of knowledge from the workshops and am excited to go every month.

Native American Festival

We recently went on a field trip to the Native American Festival in Greenville, MS. This was my first field trip and I was really pumped about it. The festival was amazing! Students learned A LOT and were able to see firsthand Native American customs, rituals, and artifacts. The students shot bow and arrows, played Native American games, purchased Native American products, and ate Native American food. The field trip was a huge success.
