About Me

Hi! My name is Toni Jacobs. I am from Monticello, AR and I am currently teaching at McGehee Elementary, 6th grade Science. This blog will reflect my experiences as a first year teacher.



Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Book Reviews

This semester I read, Through The Crack, by Carolyn Sollman. This book helped me gain a tremoundous awareness to those students who "slip through the cracks." This book was an "ah ha" moment for me and helped me truly understand which students fall through the cracks through their lives. It is my duty to ensure I help these students understand the importance of learning and provide differentiation strategies in order to ensrue all students are learning. This book is an easy read with colorful photos. A must read for all educators!

Another helpful book I read during the semester was, Shouting Won't Grow Dendrites, by Marcia Tate. This book provided several techniques to utilize in the classroom. The book suggested several techniques such as; using color on marker boards instead of black, using color to grade tests, providing humor in the classroom to engage students, and making learning relevant. This book is full of helpful techniques to improve as an educator. Every tip suggested I have taken back to my room and implemented.

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